Core Questions
What is evidence-centered design?
What goals does ECD share in common with educational data mining?
What are the four components of Mislevy et al.'s Conceptual Assessment Framework (CAF)?
What is the difference between how Mislevy and colleagues use the term "student model" and how it is used in the intelligent tutoring system literature?
Mislevy and colleagues make the claim "One cannot simply construct “good tasks” in isolation, however, and hope that someone down the line will figure out “how to score them.” One must design a complex assessment from the very start around the inferences one wants to make, the observations one needs to ground them, the situations that will evoke those observations, and the chain of reasoning that connects them" -- How does this claim relate to the discussion of quality data versus roadkill data from previous classes?
How might ECD and EDM be used together? Would this be a productive or a nonproductive use of these two types of methods?
In what ways is the use of ECD that Shute et al. envisions in immersive games different from what Mislevy et al. envisioned and recommended?
Secondary Questions
Shute et al. claim that there are many constructs that can only be studied in complex immersive games. What might be some examples of this?
Do you think the type of persistence that can be observed in immersive games such as Oblivion is a good predictor/correlate of persistence in education and work?
How might you measure player creativity in an unmodified immersive game? Give concrete examples (beyond those in Shute et al.)